Noted Questions and Proven Answers – no matter how silly

Q & A’s

Q. What is Bowen Therapy like?
A. A bit like massage but different.

Q. What does it treat?
A. A whole range of conditions but the common ones are – stress, fatigue, muscle tension, strains, sprains, arthritis, headaches, migraines, RSI, referred pain and hormonal imbalances.

Q. How does it feel?
A. A-m-a-z-i-n-g. But in the context you’re asking…… there are a number of specific ‘Bowen moves’ that make up a sequence of moves. Each move is light in touch and rolls your fascia or muscle groups to create a kind pinging effect on your body.

Q. How long is the treatment?
A. Anywhere between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

Q. Do I need to undress?
A. No. We treat through your clothes so it’s a good idea to wear something loose and comfortable.

Q. How many treatments will I need?
A. You will want one every week after the first time! But you are likely to need a follow up 7 to 10 days after the first Bowen treatment and then ideally once every month or two, but this depends on your reason for treatment.