How does Bowen Therapy make you feel amazing?

There are so many benefits in receiving Bowen Therapy, here are just a few:

  1. The body feels like it is floating on clouds
  2. The mind drifts off too
  3. There are occasional ouch-that-hurts-so-good moments (from trigger point or tension release, see below for more on that)
  4. You stay fully clothed – therefore easier to relax
  5. Positively affects all of your body’s systems – did you know you have 9…??!!
  6. Brings balance to those systems helping them work in harmony – ooooooommmmmmmmmmnnnnn……..
  7. The treatment continues to process up to 7 days – yep, you heard me right!

Now, if you need more details on why you should have Bowen Therapy in your life, read on. Prepare to be amazed ….. or inspired to join the feel good club 🙂

The soft tissue that Bowen Therapy treats, is also known as connective tissue or fascia. Its job is to connect, which it does in every sense of the word, it surrounds every cell, organ, muscle, tendon, ligament and bone in the body, a truly amazing substance!

Bowen is applied with gentle yet intentional moves, creating vibrations that travel along each fibre, encouraging release of tension, toxins and inflammation. The pace of a Bowen treatment is slow, because of this, our expectation is to allow natural release at the speed our body needs. When we slow down and allow release to happen we see relief from discomforts such as:

  • Headaches
  • Joint pain
  • RSI
  • Back pain
  • IBS
  • Arthritic conditions
  • Sports injury
  • Surgery
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Respiratory complaints
  • Stress
  • Chronic pain
  • Phantom limb pain

Bowen Therapy will re-hydrate the fascia by opening and stretching the fibres to allow energy and fluid to flow easily, and re-balance the body’s systems. This also makes it an excellent treatment in preparing the body for surgery and reducing recovery time post-op.

After the treatment, the body continues processing for some time, up to 7 days in some cases, and may result in:

  • Delayed onset muscle syndrome – the thing that makes your muscles ache two days after going to the gym.
  • General detox symptoms – a desire to drink more, going to loo more often etc
  • Feeling tired
  • Sleeping deeeeepppl…..y

And then somewhere between 3 and 10 days, you’ll suddenly remember that you use to feel discomfort getting out the car or off your bike or walking down stairs and it’s miraculously disappeared! Yay!
Or you have more energy than before, you may feel a general sense of well-being that has enhanced your mood and increased your productivity.

Any number of possible side effects can occur so please, trust your instincts and call your Bowen therapist with any questions or concerns.